June 2020

B.C. extends coronavirus rental benefit, ban on evictions for unpaid rent

Posted on Jun 20, 2020

The province is extending its temporary rental supplement until the end of August for people affected by COVID-19. The program - which provides $500 per month for eligible households - was set to expire at the end of this month. Nadia Stewart reports.

As you know COVID-19 has recently laid a major effect on the world, it has changed the economy, kil...

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Not even the pandemic slowed Vancouver real estate

Posted on Jun 16, 2020

Stories about Vancouver’s housing market often border on the absurd, and the latest seemingly tall tale fits that mould: Home prices have actually ticked higher during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Vancouver, the benchmark price of a house on the west side of Vancouver in May was valued at around $3 million, and on the east side, it was around $1.4 mill...

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Little sign that Hongkongers are buying Vancouver homes again

Posted on Jun 08, 2020

Pictured is Matt Gul on his visit to Hong Kong with Honourable Raymond Chan, Former Canadian Minister of State (Multiculturalism). Raymond Chan PC is the first Chinese Canadian to be appointed to the Cabinet of Canada. 

Due to the massive protests that have been occurring in Hong Kong, it is highly likely that Hong Kong residents will do what they d...

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Warning! Do you know where the new Vancouver speed cameras are located?

Posted on Jun 07, 2020

Vancouver has new speed camera's under B.C.’s Intersection Safety Camera Program

Do you know where the new Vancouver speed cameras are located? In Vancouver, we have new speed cameras that are in place watching Vancouverites. You have to be extra careful if you don't know where they are located. There are two ways to learn, by taking a glance at the...

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