West Vancouver Schools

School Catchment Locater | West Vancouver School District

Select your street name on the locater to find the schools that serve your address.

West Vancouver Elementary Schools

West Vancouver Secondary Schools

Click Here to Access the Fraser Institutes Interactive Map of School Rankings

Fraser Institute report cards offer detailed tables showing how well schools performed in academics over a number of years. By combining a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one easily accessible public web site, the school report cards allow teachers, parents, school administrators, students, and taxpayers to analyze and compare the academic performance of individual schools.

For more assistance choosing the right school, contact Matt Gul at 778.888.8888 - We believe that education should always come first, and when you move to a new city it can be challenging to find the elementary or secondary school that suits your child's needs and goals. We can take that weight off your shoulders and help you and your family find and pursue the best education for your child in West Vancouver. 

West Vancouver Elementary Schools Websites:

West Vancouver Highschool Websites:

Get In Touch

Matt Gul - Personal Real Estate Corporation

Phone: 778.888.8888


Office Info

RE/MAX Masters Realty

#200 - 1455 Bellevue Ave  West Vancouver,  BC  V7T 1C3 

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