What Makes Slovenia Special?
It is in an advantageous geostrategic position with well-established, easy access to markets.
With a population of a little over 2 million, it experienced a GDP growth of 5%, according
to The Economist, The World in 2021. It has quality infrastructure, a stable, export driven
economy and an innovative workforce.
What Makes Slovenia Green?
Taking a responsible approach toward the future Slovenia is at the forefront of countries
transitioning to a circular economy with focus on sustainability, green technologies, and
corporate social responsibility. According to Numbeo, 2020, Slovenia ranks 13th in qualityof-
life indicators. A local example of a green-tech product, which is assembled in Slovenia,
is Greenline Yachts offering hybrid electric boats and yachts.
Creative and Smart?
Slovenia has a highly capable, educated and productive workforce. Almost 40% of students
graduating in science and engineering, according to the Institute for Management Development,
2020. Under the auspices of UNESCO, the first global centre for artificial intelligence (AI) will
be soon located in Ljubljana. The centre will provide open and transparent environment for
AI research and debates on AI, providing expert support to stakeholders around the globe
in drafting guidelines and action plans for AI.
Gateway to Europe
Slovenia‘s provides an ideal entry point for instant access to European markets, with more than
700 million customers. It is a committed member of the EU Single Market and the Eurozone.
In addition to its intellectual capital, Slovenia’s top export products include medicines and
pharmaceuticals, electrical machinery and equipment, food and beverages, rubber and plastics
products, road vehicles, iron, steel and metals.
Join the Business Network!
Canadian Slovenian Chamber of Commerce
For the very reasonable membership fee of $250, you can join this vibrant business network
which will help you establish a presence in Slovenia, and will work with Slovenian Chambers
of Commerce to promote your business interests and identify opportunities.
For information locally, send an e-mail to SloveniaConsulBC@gmail.com, or leave a
message at 778 279-0277
Matt Gul PREC
West Vancouver Realtor
West Vancouver Waterfront Listings & West Vancouver Luxury Listings
Slovenia Consulate Vancouver Canada,
Vancouver Slovenia Consulate, Slovenia Consulate, Slovenian Canadian
Vancouver Real Estate, Vancouver Slovenia Society, Slovenian Vancouver Canada, Honorary Consul of Slovenia, Matt Gul, West Vancouver Real Estate, West Vancouver Realtor, West Vancouver Luxury Real Estate